Showing posts with label Art Shows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art Shows. Show all posts

March 20, 2017

BFA in Photography Art Exhibit Woodbury Art Museum

I have been working for a long time on my BFA and I am so excited and so proud that my show is almost here! A week from Thursday on March 30th, come see me and my work at the Woodbury Art Museum in Orem, UT. Here's my advertising poster that my good friend Emily Kim helped me on as well as some pieces I love that didn't make the show! You guys, I am seriously so giddy over it all!

August 5, 2012

The New York Guggenheim

My mom does a lot of traveling for her career. This spring she generously flew all me and my sisters out to New York with her on one of her trips. We were so dang excited. Steph and I had talked a lot about all the different things we wanted to see. One of which was the Guggenhiem Museum. Both of us LOVE going to art shows and museums. We didn't get to see all of them because there was SO much to do and so little time. My friend Adam and I texted about which ones were a must see and I am still sad that we didn't get to those ones. NEXT TIME!

 Steph and I both had the same teacher at UVU for our History of Art classes. We LOVED her and both fell in love with not only Art History, but wanting to see the many art pieces we learned so much about. One of which was the Guggenhiem. So day one, we went there and WOW... it was AMAZING! I not only loved all the art inside, but I LOVED the leading lines. I became obsessed with leading lines in New York. You would have thought I was Autistic or something. Anyways, here it is through my lens in BW! Enjoy...

And of course I am ALWAYS BEHIND the camera, so I made sure my other sister Jessica took one of me to prove that I WAS in fact THERE! LOL...

May 17, 2012

Bragging Rights!

Today I am going to take a moment out of my busy wedding life to brag about my little sister. I come from a family that has a lot of artistic and music talent. My sister Stephanie and I are the ones that have carried this on to our adulthood. She is a BRILLIANT painter and can build anything. She puts a lot of thought, creativity and beauty into her work. I truly admire her talent. A few months ago, she called me up to take images for the upcoming Student Art Show at the Woodbury Gallery. Each year at UVU, all the students in the Art programs are required to submit to the student show. I could never get over the talent that was submitted each year. I was fortunate enough to have a few of my pieces accepted as well. When Stephanie brought her pieces over, I was floored... I mean LOOK at how AMAZING these pieces are!! The tractor was accepted into the show and I couldn't be more proud of her!

April 4, 2009

Accepted into the Woodbury Art Museum.

Last night I went with a friend to the opening night of the Woodbury Art Museum for the Student Show. As students in the Art Program, we are strongly encouraged to submit work and so I submitted a few pieces. While looking around, out of the corner of my eye, I saw MY Liquid Emulsion on Watercolour Paper. I was so excited. Working with Liquid Emulsion is so very exciting but very complicated and at times can be frustrating. The end results are gratifying though. When I saw my Alternative Photography teacher, she was asking how excited I was about this and was pointing in two different directions. I didn't understand why she would be pointing like this until a fellow student told me that they had accepted BOTH works of art into the show! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I REALLY about died then...

I have worked very hard this semester and to be able to be accepted into this show is such an amazing feeling. I'm very grateful for my teacher Barb who is absolutely awe inspiring and encouraging of all her students. I'm grateful that she requires us to find something we think is grad to submit. It has defiantly been a hard semester but in the end, it is always rewarding!

To anyone who would like to attend this show, here are the details.

APRIL 3 - MAY 1, 2009
Hours: Monday - Friday 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

March 26, 2009

A Beautiful Dancer

Dance is one of the most beautiful forms of art. I have always loved dance and admired those who could dance. This fabulous woman has danced since she was like 3 years old. I admire her talent immensely, as well as everything else that she has to offer in life. I was at her studio till after midnight the other night and WOW... I can't believe what one can come up with when two artists are put together. I was working on these this afternoon and completely fell in love with this image. There are a lot more to come (as always).

I have an Art History test this weekend and after that, I'll be doing A LOT of editing. I have quite a few family posts coming and more portraiture-a lot more!

March 12, 2009

Art Show

I am trying so hard to finish my degree at UVU-in Photography of course! After this semester I have ONE class left which I hope to finish this summer if all goes well. My teacher Barb (who is absolutely life changing) is requiring us to submit pieces to the Woodbury Art Show. This is one of the images I have chosen. I have a few more as well that were done with film that I don't have scanned yet, so I can't show you those.

I have forgotten how amazing it is to shoot with film and how much I love it. I have completely fallen in love with the darkroom and my Alternative Class where we learn different processes of photography. AMAZING... and very life changing. It's helped me see things in a new way. I have learned to print images on water colour paper, metal, glass, tiles and fabric. WOW!!I desperately want to have a dark room one day.

More to come on this shoot.